For the last several years people around the world have been captivated and charmed by the series of award-winning television ads from the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, and this book was partly inspired by these little slices of life in this unique and magical province.
In all of my books I make an effort to recruit local writers with talent and local knowledge that far exceeds my own. I hope you agree that my choices here really put some meat on the bones of our manuscript. And yes, of course this process allowed me to focus on the photography which is my stronger suit. It should also be noted that the generosity of everyone involved enabled your miserly publisher to have a manuscript far superior to anything I alone could possibly have imagined. I know it is self-serving to say, but I love this book and this place.
John McQuarrie, Editor and Photographer
Hard cover $45.00, Soft cover $35.00. 240 pages, over 300 images
Available from Downhome, Indigo, Chapters, Coles and specialty shops across Canada
Click on page-spreads below to view.
In all of my books I make an effort to recruit local writers with talent and local knowledge that far exceeds my own. I hope you agree that my choices here really put some meat on the bones of our manuscript. And yes, of course this process allowed me to focus on the photography which is my stronger suit. It should also be noted that the generosity of everyone involved enabled your miserly publisher to have a manuscript far superior to anything I alone could possibly have imagined. I know it is self-serving to say, but I love this book and this place.
John McQuarrie, Editor and Photographer
Hard cover $45.00, Soft cover $35.00. 240 pages, over 300 images
Available from Downhome, Indigo, Chapters, Coles and specialty shops across Canada
Click on page-spreads below to view.